Admission and Requirements

Doctorate in Psychotherapy

Admission and Requirements

Entry requirements.

  1. Holding, at least, a Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology or Medicine, or an equivalent or higher degree in these disciplines.
  2. Having completed basic classes in the areas of Clinical Psychology, Psychiatry, Statistics, and Research Methodology.
  3. Certifiable command of English.
  4. Passing the entry examination, which consists in the evaluation of the applicant’s qualifications, an essay on his/her academic purposes, a personal interview, and an assessment of his/her scientific skills.

Documentation to be submitted:

  1. University admission request: [Apply here]
  2. Application form. Prospective students must complete the online application form hosted by each university depending on the year of admission. Documentation must be submitted digitally to the PUC and in paper form to the UCH.
  3. Transcripts including grades obtained in undergraduate programs and other studies, including continuing education and postgraduate programs. These transcripts must include the classes passed in the areas of Clinical Psychology, Psychiatry, Statistics, and Research Methodology. Foreign applicants must supply certificates legalized by the Chilean Consulate of their country of origin. Documentation must clearly specify the grading scales used, the minimum passing grade, and their equivalence with Chilean scales.
  4. Certificate of Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology or Medicine, or an equivalent or higher degree in these disciplines. Foreign applicants must supply certificates legalized by the Chilean Consulate of their country of origin.
  5. Certificates of specialization programs completed, if applicable. For example, this includes Psychiatry specialization programs for Medical Doctors, accreditation in clinical psychology for Psychologists, or a Master’s Degree or its equivalent. Foreign applicants must supply certificates legalized by the Chilean Consulate of their country of origin.
  6. Curriculum Vitae, which must include academic and professional activities.
  7. Two confidential letters of recommendation, which must be directly submitted by the persons recommending the candidate. These letters must be signed by an academic in possession of a PhD, and at least one of them must be submitted by an academic who is familiar with clinical and psychotherapeutic research. Recommendation letters must be written using the form included in the application materials. The academics supplying these letters must include information about the applicant’s skills, motivation, responsibility, and potential for success in the Program and in a subsequent academic career in both research and teaching.
  8. An essay that specifies the candidate’s academic project, outlining his/her purposes and academic aims with respect to the Doctoral Program and his/her later career. In this essay, the applicant must refer to how his/her education has prepared him/her for the Doctoral Program, what his/her academic aims are, and how specific aspects of the Program could meet his/her needs as a student and help him/her fulfill his/her future academic career goals. The applicant must link his/her interests with the Program’s lines of research. The essay must be as specific as possible regarding the applicant’s interests and short- and long-term research aims. (3 pages maximum; 1.5 line spacing).
  9. Oral and written comprehension equivalent to level 2 in the ALTE framework, certified through an internationally-recognized test (e.g. TOEFL, IELTS, CAE, or ELTO). In exceptional cases, the Doctoral Committee may waive this requirement if the applicant agrees to complete the remedial courses needed to meet the Program’s graduation requisites.

Once the process is completed, the applicant’s information is assessed by the the

Program’s Head Office, which checks that all formal requirements have been met. Applicants who meet the above requirements will be interviewed by the Program Director or the Academic Coordinator along with another member of the academic staff.

*Students enrolling in this full-time program must devote 40 hours to it per week*

Admission information – PUC (2019 and 2020)
Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
Bernardita Villarroel C.
Doctoral Program and Research Assistant.
Escuela de Psicología. Av. Vicuña Mackenna 4860, Macul.
Telephone number: (56 2) 23545883

Admission in 2021 and 2022 will be in charge of the Universidad de Chile

Admission information:
Universidad de Chile
Cecilia Carter
Secretary of Teaching Affairs.
Escuela de Postgrado, Facultad de Medicina. Independencia 1027, Pabellón F, 3° piso, Independencia.
Telephone number: (56 2) 29786441